
Love Cactus Garden

Love can be prickly can’t it? But there is nothing prickly about this lovely little cactus garden.

I’m sure you’ve seen other versions of this where they wrap a long tube around to for an E shape. That never looked quite right to me. I also didn’t like how most of those other patterns used a dirt ball shape and you needed to find pots for your pieces to sit in.

And so, I needed to design my own version to meet all the requirements to please my own aesthetics.

It’s a very easy to follow design and the finished result will look fabulous in any entryway or on any favorite display shelf in your home.

Wouldn’t you like a cute, little Love Cactus Garden of your very own?

Or you can buy it right here through PayPal or alternate methods at the button below.

The automated instant download purchase app I was using would too often not send the PDF so if you do not like using Ravelry, the button below will take you to the Hateruma Handmade Facebook page where you can message me and get a quick reply and alternative purchase method.